收藏资源 | 描述 | 图片描述 |
cobalt | 免费且开源的媒体下载工具 | |
ardupilot | 自动驾驶开源项目 | |
lutris | 专为 Linux 用户设计的游戏管理平台 | |
ebook2audiobook | Convert ebooks to audiobooks with chapters and metadata using dynamic AI models and voice cloning. Supports 1,107+ languages! | |
MagicMirror | Instant AI Face Swap, Hairstyles & Outfits — One click to a brand new you! 一键 AI 换脸、发型、穿搭,发现更美的自己 ✨ | |
pex | A tool for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files, lock files and venvs. | |
jitsi-meet | 开源的视频会议平台。 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/Mao_Jonah/article/details/120533879 | win10上Typora卡顿的问题及其解决方案 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/m0_74749947/article/details/141416629 | 如何设置虚拟机共享文件夹(解决共享文件夹消失问题) | |
https://blog.csdn.net/wkd_007/article/details/128717696 | Vmware Pro 17 设置共享文件夹 | |
http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-10815-1-1.html | 最新版NAMD的编译安装 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/CocoCream/article/details/130149772 | Cellulose Builder 用户指南 | |
https://xsliulab.github.io/Workshop/2022/week5/%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B%E8%B0%83%E5%8F%82.html | 模型调参 | |
http://www.cuishuaiwen.com:8000/zh/AI/BASICS/basics/ | AI 基础 |
收藏资源 | 描述 | 图片描述 |
https://www.gimp.org/ | GIMP是一个跨平台的图像编辑器,可用于GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows和更多的操作系统。它是自由软件,您可以更改其源代码并发布您的更改。 | |
inkscape | 开源矢量图编辑软件 | |
https://digifloat.io/blog/free-grammarly-alternatives/ | 7 Free Grammarly Alternatives To Help You Write Like a Pro | |
spotube | 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn’t require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile! | |
keeptrack.space | 🌎📡 TypeScript Astrodynamics Software for Non-Engineers. 3D Visualization of satellite data and the sensors that track them. | |
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netron | Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models | |
krita-ai-diffusion | Streamlined interface for generating images with AI in Krita. Inpaint and outpaint with optional text prompt, no tweaking required. | |
mopidy | Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python | |
ASCII-generator | ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video) | |
starlight | 🌟用Astro构建美观,可访问,高性能的文档网站 | |
moodist | 🌲 Ambient sounds for focus and calm. | |
wanderer | Wanderer是一个自托管的轨迹数据库。救救你的冒险吧! | |
zeal | 离线文档浏览器的灵感来自Dash | |
FileConverter | 文件转换器是一个非常简单的工具,它允许您使用windows资源管理器中的上下文菜单转换和压缩文件。 | |
https://codeocean.com/ | 设置环境、提供计算、运行管道和管理ML模型。可跟踪、兼容、可复制,并可安装到您现有的云架构中。 | |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108599 | 用于从分子动力学模拟中准确测定扩散系数的 python 模块 | |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109353 | Jupyter 程序:用于计算物理和化学性质 | |
https://www.osscar.org/courses/index.html | 晶体的能带理论 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/fuxuer/article/details/113109025 | 远程控制 Error: LoadLibrary failed with error 87 显示 | |
cx_Freeze 7.2.6 | python build exe | |
https://github.com/Wanderson-Magalhaes/Modern_GUI_PyDracula_PySide6_or_PyQt6 | PyDracula:惊艳你的Python GUI开发之旅 | |
https://www.getzola.org/ | 静态网站生成器:zola | |
https://www.goldensoftware.com/products/surfer/ | Surfer是一款强大的3D数据可视化工具,特别适用于地理数据分析与可视化。 | |
FitSNAP | 为LAMMPS生成机器学习原子间势的软件,文档 | |
HydrogenBondCalculator | 计算氢键密度(文章) | |
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https://openalternative.co | OpenAlternative 是一个省钱又高效的选择,不仅能够帮助用户找到功能齐全的开源软件,也大大降低了成本支出。 | |
https://github.com/HeyPuter/puter | Puter 是一款功能丰富、部署方便的个人云电脑工具,凭借高度的自定义选项和完全自主的隐私保护,为用户提供了一个随时随地、全面安全的云端操作体验。 | |
https://www.faststonecapture.cn/download | FastStone Capture这是一款本截图录、屏神器。免费下载。 | |
https://aicolors.co/ | 配色 | |
https://app.diagrams.net/ | 在线绘图 | |
构建表面修饰长链分子的纳米颗粒模型 | 构建表面修饰长链分子的纳米颗粒模型 | |
https://molview.org/ | 在线分子绘图工具MolView | |
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aV411f71i/?vd_source=2185efff299da2ddae224af51ba53bcd | AI画微球或纳米粒B站视频 | |
https://enaloscloud.novamechanics.com/riskgone/nanoconstruct/ | NanoConstruct:纳米颗粒构建工具 | |
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11179235/ | 一个椭球状纳米粒子的网络应用程序构建器,用于研究它们的晶体生长、稳定性和原子描述符的计算 | |
https://vinas-toolbox.com/ | 虚拟纳米材料仿真专业(ViNAS-Pro)是一个数据驱动的纳米信息学平台。它包括六个核心组件,可实现数据分析,数据预处理和可视化,机器学习(ML)建模,虚拟纳米材料(NMs)预测,以及纳米结构和纳米描述符计算。 | |
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c02568 | An Online Nanoinformatics Platform Empowering Computational Modeling of Nanomaterials by Nanostructure Annotations and Machine Learning ToolkitsArticle link copied! | |
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收藏资源 | 描述 | 图片描述 |
https://bohrium.dp.tech/notebooks/18465833825 | 基于热力学积分的自由能计算 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/zhebushibiaoshifu/article/details/140278507 | Windows右键没有新建Word、PPT与Excel的解决方法 | |
https://mcresearch.github.io/abacus-user-guide/ | ABACUS 中文文档主页 | |
https://licl-dp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html | 基于深度势模型的LiCl熔体分子动力学研究 | |
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https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44963682/article/details/139889942 | 深度势能生成器(DP-GEN)入门讲解 | |
icones | ⚡️ Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify | |
photoview | 极简的照片管理平台。 | |
Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller | Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.免费的 Windows 应用卸载神器。 | |
https://mjl.clarivate.com/home | 检索期刊是否被On hold | |
首页 - XMU Chenggroup Wiki | XMU Chenggroup Wiki | |
new-comer-tutorial | 厦门大学程俊组入学培训资料 | |
forrtl: severe(174):SIGSEGV,segmentation fault occurred 问题解决 (ulimit -s 设置堆栈最大值) | 在运行dpgen时,报错,查看后,发现时vasp段错误,应该是运行内存不够 | |
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https://blog.csdn.net/snow5255/article/details/131148524 | Ubuntu服务器安装配置slurm (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) | |
persistence_length_tutorial | Calculating the persistence length of polymers using MDAnalysis | |
https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_26917383/article/details/115400327 | SHAP值理论 | |
http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-33603-1-1.html | 离线安装CP2K-2022.2的笔记 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42584423/article/details/140120254 | wsl2 ubuntu ping: www.baidu.com: Temporary failure in name resolution | |
DeepModeling系列教程 | 知乎,用于介绍DeepModeling社区的相关教程 | |
DP-GEN使用入门 | Deep Potential Generator (DP-GEN) 是一个将神经网络势能(machine learning potential)和主动学习(active learing)结合起来的工作流。 | |
ReacNetGenerator | An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation. | |
https://www.vasp.at/py4vasp/latest/ | py4vasp is a python interface to extract data from VASP calculations. | |
http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-33640-1-1.html | 在WSL下的Ubuntu 22.04中安装VASP 6.3.2与CP2K v2022.2 | |
https://blog.csdn.net/qq_28778001/article/details/135576784 | VASP6.3.2版本安装教程及运行测试(续) – 2024 intel OneAPI | |
LVCSH | A Fortran code to simulation the non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics in the Crystal Materials. | |
https://pymatgen.org/ | Pymatgen (Python Materials Genomics) is a robust, open-source Python library for materials analysis | ~ |
https://www.iucr.org/ | International Union of Crystallography | |
https://www.vasp.at/tutorials/latest/md/part1/ | Part 1: Melting silicon | ~ |
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models/Methane_Hydrate-PBE-model | A DP-PBE model for Methane_Hydrate | |
Monolayer-Water-PhaseDiagram-Data | ~ | |
https://ipi-code.org/ | i-PI是一个用Python编写的通用力引擎接口,设计用于与ab-initio,机器学习或基于原子之间相互作用的力场评估一起使用。主要目标是解耦离子位置演化的问题,以采样适当的热力学系综和计算原子间力的问题。 | |
data-monolayer-confined-water-phase-diagram | Scripts, codes, and initial structures required to reproduce the phase diagram of monolayer nanoconfined water. | |
DPTI | DPTI是一个Python包,用于自动计算自由能的热力学集成(TI)。 | |
https://deepmodeling.com/ | DeepModeling 那些希望通过计算建模扩展科学前沿和解决具有挑战性的实际问题的人正在以前所未有的新方式聚集在一起。 | |
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torchmd | End-To-End Molecular Dynamics (MD) Engine using PyTorch | |
Openbayes | 无需配置环境 开箱即用的机器学习服务 | |
Triton 中文站 | Triton 是一种用于并行编程的语言和编译器。它旨在提供一个基于 Python 的编程环境,以高效编写自定义 DNN 计算内核,并能够在现代 GPU 硬件上以最大吞吐量运行 | |
TVM 中文站 | 查看文档Apache TVM 是一个端到端的深度学习编译框架,适用于 CPU、GPU 和各种机器学习加速芯片。 | |
ABACUS | 查看文档ABACUS (Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc)是一个基于密度泛函理论(DFT)的开源计算机代码包。 | |
HyperAI超神经 | HyperAI 超神经 (hyper.ai) 是国内领先的人工智能及高性能计算社区,旨在通过提供数据集加速下载、在线教程演示、论文深度解读、顶会日历集成等多个服务,助力数据科学及⼈⼯智能⾏业的开发者、爱好者学习、理解、实践,与社区⼀起构建⼈⼯智能的未来。 | |
DeePMD-kit 快速入门教程 | 使用 DeePMD-kit 建立深度势分子动力学模型的范式周期,并学习如何将其应用于分子动力学任务。 | |
tesseract | Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) | |
https://v0.dev/chat | ||
https://www.cursor.com/ | Built to make you extraordinarily productive, Cursor is the best way to code with AI. | |
Deepmd教程 | ABACUS+DPGEN+DeePMD+LAMMPS 铜掺杂铍晶体DP势函数拟合过程演示—-初版教程 | |
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SIESTA | SIESTA (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) is both a method and its computer program implementation (Fortran 95), to perform efficient electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of molecules and solids. | |
DJMOL | DJMol is an open source (GPL v3), free, Object-oriented Modeling Platform specially designed for Computational Materials Science and Computational Chemistry. | |
five-site water model with LAMMPS | five-site water model with LAMMPS | |
Mold | Mold: a LAMMPS package to compute interfacial free energies and nucleation rates, Lammps package including square-like well potential to implement Mold integration and Lattice mold techniques | |
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收藏资源 | 描述 | 图片描述 |
A brief introduction to GROMACS | This lesson provides an introduction to using GROMACS. GROMACS is a free molecular dynamics package primarily used for simulating biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. | |
software-development | A primer on software development best practices for computational chemistry | |
GRO2LAM | Gromacs to Lammps simulation converter | |
IL | Ionic liquid force field parameters (OPLS-2009IL and OPLS-VSIL) | |
How to start with porous media simulation ? | PALABOS论坛问题 | |
AI帮你理解科学 | AI帮你理解科学 | |
Site Generators | A List of Static Site Generators for Jamstack Sites | |
academic-website-template | Jekyll website template for personal academic or research group web pages. | |
https://academicpages.github.io/ | Academic Pages is a ready-to-fork GitHub Pages template for academic personal websites | |
Minimal Mistakes | A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for building personal sites, blogs, and portfolios. | |
al-folio | A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics | |
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latex-talk | Modern LaTeX in a Nutshell | |
一份其实很短的 LaTeX 入门文档 | 一份其实很短的 LaTeX 入门文档 | |
Installing TeXmacs for Windows | TeXmacs:一个真正“所见即所得”的排版系统 | |
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Quantum Espresso package | ab initio MD simulations are carried out using the open-source Quantum Espresso package | |
Thermophysical Properties of Fluid Systems | Thermophysical Properties of Fluid Systems / National Institute Standards and Technology | |
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NVIDIA Warp | 编写高性能仿真程序的 Python 框架。 | |
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口袋写作 | 一款专为写作爱好者精心打造的写作助手 | |
aider | Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal | |
孔隙尺度CFD | 孔隙尺度CFD爱好者:B站UP | ~ |
CFD模拟软件大全 | CFD模拟软件大全,很多你都没见过 | ~ |
Microsoft-Activation-Scripts | A Windows and Office activator | |
Cover Letter怎么写 | Cover Letter怎么写?关键点+参考模板请收好 | |
Scrapegraph-ai | Python scraper based on AI | ~ |
MoneyPrinterTurbo | 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM. | ~ |
introduction-to-bash-scripting | Free Introduction to Bash Scripting eBook | |
etcher | Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.仅需 3 步就能完成 USB 启动盘制作,适用于 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 10 及更高版本。 | |
anx-reader | An e-book reader written using Flutter. 使用Flutter编写的电子书阅读器 | ~ |
100-exercises-to-learn-rust | A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time. | ~ |
warp | 编写高性能仿真程序的 Python 框架。该项目是英伟达开源的 Python 框架,它通过即时编译技术将 Python 代码,转换为可以在 CPU 或 GPU 上运行的高效内核代码,可用于编写模拟物理环境、碰撞检测和图形处理等程序。 | ~ |
earthworm | Learning English through the method of constructing sentences with conjunctions | ~ |
mosh | 适用于移动端的远程终端工具。能够在网络切换、高延迟和 IP 变化的情况下,保持远程会话的稳定和更快的响应,适用于 Android、iOS、Linux 和 macOS 等系统。 | ~ |
SwashbucklerDiary | 侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。 | ~ |
HandBrake | 免费的开源视频转码工具,支持将各种不同格式的视频文件,转换为 MP4 和 MKV 等常见格式 | ~ |
在线字符数统计 | 在线字数统计 | ~ |
KeyShot | 最出色的 3D 渲染软件,实现令人惊叹的视觉效果 | ~ |
LiveCaption | LiveCaption 是一款支持使用第三方公共云接口,实时将系统或麦克风的声音识别显示为桌面字幕的Windows软件,支持其他语种的同步翻译。 | ~ |
iTranslate | Seamless voice translation in 100+ languages | |
video-srt-windows | 这是一个可以识别视频语音自动生成字幕SRT文件的开源 Windows-GUI 软件工具。 | ~ |
lugs.ai | Lugs.ai是一款能够在电脑上准确实时生成字幕的插件。 | |
ZyPlayer | 跨平台桌面端视频资源播放器,免费高颜值. |